Born in 1977, Medan - Indonesia
- 1987. Autodicdactic in Fashion Design
- 1995. Graduated from Bunka Fashion School major in Fashion Division and Fashion Education
- 2005. Graduated from Lasalle Fashion College major in Patternmaking
Professional Goal
- 1996. Shoe Designer
- 2002. Business Consultant
- 2007. Principal and Patternmaking tutor at BUNKA Surabaya
- 2007. Creative Director of Elizabeth Njo May Fen couture label
- 2008. Founder of Seamless Gown
- 2009. Founder of Unique styles using square and rectangular fabric ( Go Green Campaign )
- 2009. Founder of Passion For Indonesia Campaign (young and egdy style using Batik and Tenun Indonesia)
- 2009. Founder and Chairman of Pison Art N Fashion Foundation ( PAFF )
- 2009. Founder and Chairman of Surabaya Art and Fashion Festival
- 2009. Advance Patternmaking for Couture Lecturer
- 2010. Business and Product Development Lecturer
- 2014. Founder of KETIQUE clothing line
- 2014. Founder of Fashion Momentum Event
- 2014. Chief Judge - Fashion Technology - Prov. Jawa Timur
- 2015. Chief Judge - Fashion Technology - Prov. Jawa Timur
- 2015. Fashion Conceptor and Advisor of District27 - LenmarcMall Surabaya
- 2015. Fashion Business Consultant for New comer
- 2016. Local Vice Chairman of Indonesian Fashion Chamber
- 2017. Chairman of the Comittee of Surabaya Fasshion Parade 2017
- 2008. MURI Award in category Pemkarsa Gaun Batik Unik Tanpa jahitan
- 2013. Modern Kartini Award at Kemilau Kartini
- 2017. International Quality Designer Award by Indonesian Fashion Chamber
- 2010. Life talk show Fashion Trend at Metro TV
- 2010. ree Workshop "Save Batik" FullPiece Batik Dress - without Cutting"
- 2011. Speaker of Explore Your Creativity at Universitas Ciputra
- 2011. Life talk show Passion For Indonesia at BCTV
- 2012. Life talk show Muda Tapi Luar Biasa at Suara Surabaya
- 2014. Talk show Style VS Silhouette at Fame Community
- 2008. Seamless Gown Fashion showcase at Bali Fashion Week
- 2009. Go Green Campaign - T-shirt Make Do and Mend (Alteration)
- 2015. Fashion Showcase for Young Ingenioux Designer for FTV at SFP
- 2016. Drama Musical Showcase for SFP
- 2016. Fashioan showcase at Indonesian weekend - Potter Field Park - London
- 2016. Guest Designer at Surabaya Fashion Week
- 2016. Fashion showcase at Jakarta Fashion Week